Thursday, July 30, 2009

WCCWF Script

Thierry Thomas
MED 2700
Prof. Everhart
Media Script #1

Script #1: WCCWF

Hello, I’m Anthony Tucker, Chairman of World Class Championship Wrestling

Federation. I would like for you to join me each for some of greatest action-packed

excitement , adventure, and if you dare, you can walk out of the arena with over one

million dollars (in cash) just by lasting five whole minutes with one of our

WCCWF superstars. We’ll even give you a chance to earn an official WCCWF contract

just by going through a one year development program at WCCWF Power Plant.

Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoons from 1pm to

3pm and Weeknights from 8pm to 11pm at WEPS, channel 175.

WCCWF features some of greatest sports figures of all times.

Including: WCCWF Super-Heavyweight champion, Anaconda, Magnum Forces, and

many more. We even have featured matches that involves some of your favorite

celebrities to take action against each superstar.

So come along for the ride and tune in every week for the best non-stop action in the

entire world. I promise you this: you will not be disappointed. And who knows, you could

be in the ring with your favorite wrestler and become a WCCWF champion.

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