Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Sea Inside movie review

Thierry Thomas
MED 3900-01
Prof. Tung
International Film Script

The Sea Inside

The Sea Inside is based on the true story of a man who wants to die because he is

paralyzed (from the waste down) and he can not stand to suffer anymore.

Oscar nominee, Javier Bardem plays the role of Spaniard Ramon Sampedro, a man

who wants to discontinue his life by winning a 30-year campaign with some pride.

This story also examines each relationship that Ramon has with two different women

and how he gives each one inspiration through love.

This film will truly be a joyous experience for all you view this because it celebrates life’s

beauty and mystery as well as the freedom and love of nature.

One of the interesting part of this film, is how Ramon makes love to Julia, but tells Rosa

that he wants to marry her. It is also interesting how Julia wants to help him die and

Rosa wants to help him live.

Even though one (Julia)was married and the other(Rosa) had two sons from two

different fathers, Ramon was able to make each woman fall in love with him.

Halfway towards the end of the film, Ramon woke up from an nightmare and started

to scream out in spanish “Why do I have to die? Why do I have to die?” It was at that

point, he scents that the end of his life was very near. So he was in a state of panic and

he knew he was going to die. And that is when he started to change what was in his

heart and what was on his mind. In a way, he was saying that he was not ready for

death. Unfortunately, it would have not made any difference if he was prepared or not,

death was coming to take him away from his family and friends, especially the two new

ladies in his life.

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