Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Taipei, there are members of specific family that want to know what the true meaning of life is. The lead, NJ, (played by Nien-Jen Wu) is in despair. He waiting for his brother to pay him back because he owes him some money. NJ's mother (played by Ru-Yun Tang) has fallen into a coma do to an unfortunate incident. When NJ's wife finds out that her life is empty, she experiences a crisis that becomes spiritual. He gives his business partner some good advice and the partner ends up making some very unwise decisions. And after 30 years NJ and his former love reunites for the first time since he broke up with her. Ting-Ting, (played by Kelly Lee), NJ's teenage daughter experiences her first time falling in love when she looks at feelings of roil in the flat of their next door neighbors. With the assistance of a camera, NJ's 8-year-old son, Yang-Yang (played by Johnathan Chang) who is like his father, finds the truth. At some point of the film, Ting-Ting asks this very interesting question: "why is the world so different from what we think it is?" Some food for thought.
The movie starts out with the wedding of NJ's brother and his new bride. As the bridal carries on with the celebration, along with family and friends of both the bride and groom, NJ's 8-year-old son, Yang-Yang gets teased by some girls from the wedding. One girl is holding him from behind, another one grabs one of his shoes and throws it by the stairs, while the rest of them are just teasing him. So he started to come up with a plan to get even with the girls, he just didn't know yet. And his plan came together when one of the heart-shaped balloons burst right behind NJ. After a little prep talk from his mother, Yang-Yang got up from his seat, walked toward the table where the girls were sitting and popped it right in front of them. Apparently, his plan worked because it not only made them afraid, but it them cry.
After the wedding, NJ and his brother were just talking about the family, business, and everything in that fashion. During the conversation, his brother mentioned that he owed some guy named Piggy some money. (I think that was his bookie or something.) So he asked NJ to loan him some money. He remembered that owes Piggy some money, but he owes NJ and a bunch of other people money as well. I'm guessing some more than others. When the family comes home from the wedding, a neighbor was telling Min-Min to go to the hospital , because NJ's mother fell into a coma as a result of taking a nasty fall in the house. So Min-Min got back into the car and they drove off.
During the wedding scene, NJ and Yang-Yang were waiting for the elevator. And as the elevator doors were opening, out came NJ's ex-girlfriend, whom he hasn't seen for thirty years. They started out with a little small talk. Then she went back into the elevator. It wasn't long until she came back out and told him how she felt for all those years. Later in the film, they reconnect with each other during a business trip in Tokyo and went their separate way afterwards. At the end of the hotel scene, I 'm thinking at some point, the two of them are going to have sexual intercourse. However, that wasn't the case. It turn out that it was going to be end of what they had back when they were young. And I'm sure he would have had to admit that to Min-Min.
As I think of Yang-Yang, I would have to say that he was somewhat of the comic relief of the movie. The reason is that he did somethings that were rather funny. For example, running out of the bathtub naked, jumping into the swimming pool with his clothes on and taking pictures of people from behind. The part about him that interested me the most, was when he read what he had written down to say to his grandmother at her funeral. I think that was a very nice touch on the director's part.
Toward the 23rd chapter of this film, the grandmother had recovered from her coma. When Ting-Ting saw her grandmother, she walk into the room, kneeled right beside her and just talked. And while they were talking, Ting-Ting asked her grandmother this: "Why is the world so different from what we think it is?" After a while she told her grandmother that the world is so beautiful.

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